A service manager can apply various settings to customise how the service works:
To configure settings
- Choose a Service.
- Click Settings tab in the service menu.
- Update the relevant settings.
About service access
Who can view this service?
This setting controls if a user can view your service. It can be shown to them in various places, such as your group's profile page or in search results in our web app.
"Subscribers": Only a subscriber can view the service. You can choose to invite subscribers.
"Anybody": Anyone can view your service. It's allows you to effectively publish your service online.
Who can order this service?
This setting controls if a user can order the service from you on Rundl.
"Subscribers": Allow only subscribers to order the service.
"Anybody": Allow any user (including subscribers) to order your service
"Nobody": choose this if you do not wish to take orders from third parties. (NOTE: people under your group will still be able to order.)
Read more about how users order services.
Service managers will see orders on their dashboard and can accept them to start a rundl. Read more about how to manage orders.
NOTE: "Starting" and "Ordering" a service are different processes. Starting is the way hosts create a new rundl transaction immediately. Ordering is the way third parties request a service provider to deliver that service to them. A rundl is only started after the order is accepted.
About text templates
Order service instructions
When a user orders your service, this setting provides instructions specific to your service. For example, you explain what information you need and what happens next after they order.
Add participant message
When a host adds a participant in a rundl for this service, this setting provides a custom message that will be included in the email they receive.
Start rundl description
When a subscriber starts a rundl, this setting provides a custom description for the rundl. For example, you can request specific information by asking a series of questions.
About default host
You can choose a team or member to be the default host. The selected team or member will be automatically made the host for your orders.