Learning more: Take a tour of Rundl support

Welcome to Rundl support! Our support centre is a resource to help you learn, solve problems and get the most out of using Rundl.

Depending on your role, you'll need to do different things in Rundl. Each section in our support centre has been structured to clearly address your needs.

Getting started

This section contains practical articles that guide new Rundl users to get their account set up and to start collaborating. It's ideal for people who need to learn just enough to start their Rundl journey, without worrying about all the features Rundl offers.

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Participant guides

This section contains articles to help participants collaborate in a "rundl". If your service provider invited you to join Rundl and collaborate securely on your transaction, you can learn about the tools and features you'll experience.

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Host guides

This section brings together articles for our hosts. Hosts are service providers that use Rundl to deliver their service. Hosts are responsible for managing the collaboration in each "rundl".

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Administrator guides

This section includes articles for administrators. Administrators are responsible for getting their business ready to participate in rundls, or to configure templates for their own services ready start hosting as "rundls".

If you're a business getting started on Rundl, pick at least one person in your team to become an advanced Rundl user and learn about all the admin features, settings and options.  

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Help topics

Here you'll find articles that explain some of the basic concepts of Rundl as well as specific information about individual tasks and features.

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Rundl releases

This section contains the release notes for each major version of the Rundl platform, detailing fixes, new features and enhancements.

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Here we've collated answers to frequently asked to help you solve problems fast.

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