Managing teams

Teams join group members into sub-groups that can work independently on Rundl. Teams can be invited to participate in rundls, reducing the overhead for hosts in inviting people individually.

Here we explain how to:

  • Add a team to your group

  • Add a team member

  • Remove a team member

  • Change a team to private

To add a team to your group:


  1. Click the Switch accounts button at the top of the left side bar and click on the group you wish to manage.
  2. Click the admin_wheel.jpgAdmin button at the bottom of the left side bar.
    The group admin area opens.
  3. Select the Teams tile.
  4. Click the _.jpg button.
  5. Enter the Name and Description for your team.
  6. Click save.jpg.


 To add a team member:


  1. Open the group admin area by clicking the admin_wheel.jpgAdmin button.
  2. Select the Teams tile.
  3. Click on the team you want to add a member to.
  4. The team side bar opens. Click the  _add.jpgicon.
  5. Search for the person you wish to add and click add_member.jpg.


To remove a team member:


  1. Open the group admin area by clicking the admin_wheel.jpgAdmin button.
  2. Select the Teams tile.
  3. Click on the team you want to edit. The team side bar opens.
  4. Click on the team member you want remove.
  5. Click remove_member.jpg.


To change a team to private:


  1. Open the group admin area by clicking the admin_wheel.jpgAdmin button.
  2. Select the Teams tile.
  3. Click on the team you want to edit.
  4. The team side bar opens.
  5. Click on update_details.jpg.
  1. Check the box under Private.


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