If you've just been invited to participate in a rundl, welcome!
One of the main things you can do in a rundl is communicate with other participants. You do this by posting messages and comments. All your posts will be organised in the right context (e.g. the job/case/deal/matter or whatever process you were invited to participate in) and you can easily keep just the right people informed from one convenient location.
There are a few things to note about posting:
- By default, all participants in your rundl will have visibility to your posts.
- You can change the visibility when you post to limit who can read your message or download attached files.
- You can limit visibility of your posts by choosing certain participants or roles.
- Choosing a role is a short-cut to choosing all the individual participants with that role. Every participant assigned a role you select will get visibility to your post. In addition, if you limit visibility to a role today, a participant who is assigned that role in the future will get access to your previous post made visible to the role.
- The Host is a special role. Your host can see all communications and their visibility can't be removed.
- Your host may configure barriers between roles. Barriers ensure participants with particular roles can't communicate (e.g. due to professional practice rules). A participant may accidentally post to All participants but consent to communicate with one of the participants does not exist. An example would be a legal practitioner communicating with another practitioner's client. Barriers solves this problem by giving the host the ability to exclude communication.
NOTE: Currently barriers are transparent to the participants - only a host can see the barriers. We plan to expose the barriers in a future release.